CAMLEV is an acronym for Cameroonians and Friends Association of the Lehigh Valley
It is a pioneer Cameroonian association that started in the Lehigh Valley over 12 years ago. Membership is open to all Cameroonians and Friends in the Lehigh Valley and immediate environs who will be fully active in association activities.
Our mantra: Unity and Strength.
The Purpose of the Association is:
- To promote unity, love, goodwill and healthy interaction between association members.
- To provide a venue for children to appreciate the culture of the Cameroonian people and that of Africa as a whole.
- To give support to any and all institutions in Cameroon and the United States provided such an institution is acting in the goodwill of us
Cameroonians and our friends and provided such action is within the ambit of law and fairness. Such association shall be divorced of partisan politics as well as religious bias.
Community and Global Support
A: The Association plans outreach programs every year to give back and support our local and international communities. The executive, through Outreach Committee organizes members for these events.
B: The Association through partner organizations supports crisis of a serious nature in Africa, USA and the rest of the world.